Resistance Pilot Helmet (Snap Wexley)

This project was basically a modification of the Hasbro Black Series Resistance Pilot (Poe Dameron) Helmet. I had two of them, so I used one to make Snap Wexley’s helmet from the Star Wars film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

This was not as easy as it sounds… I had to disassemble the entire helmet first – and the way it is designed, and with the electronics, doesn’t allow for that task to be simple. It’s put together very very meticulously and has to put taken apart, and put back together in a specific order (especially if you want the electronics to work).

After disassembling the helmet, I painted it white, with the large front upper part painted gray. Of course some “weathering” was done and you can see the effect on the side of the upper helmet. This would later be concealed with more “weathering” of the prop. After that, I had to hand paint the black and blue trim and accents on the needed parts.

Then, I had my wife use her Cricut machine to print me some vinyl stickers that I could use to make the helmet markings accurate. Lots of measuring happened in this step.

Finally, it was ready for re-assembly. Luckily, everything worked out great and the helmet is fully functional as before. it makes a great accompaniment to my other Poe Dameron helmet.

As an added prop, in the process of making the entire Snap Wexley costume, I created the rank badge using several layers of ABS plastic along with painting (spray paint and hand paint), and affixing a safety pin on the back side.